Líneas de Investigación

Tesis Doctoral
Nuestro Equipo

PhD. José Casaña Granell

PhD. Gemma V. Espí López

PhD. Fernando Domínguez Navarro

PhD. Maria Blanco Díaz

PhD. Joaquín Calatayud Villalba

PhD. Manuel Zarzoso Muñoz

PhD. Enrique Sanchís Sánchez

PhD. Sergio Hernández Sánchez

PhD. Luis Suso Martí

PhD. Borja Pérez Domínguez

PhD. Laura López Bueno

PhD. Ruben López Bueno

Dr. Lars Andersen

Carlos Cruz

Dr. Antonio Cuesta

Dra. María Blanco

Adrián Escriche
Aportaciones a Congresos
Últimas Publicaciones
Effect of a brief progressive resistance training program in hospital porters on pain, work ability, and physical function
Hospital porters are possibly exposed to the greatest mechanical loads within the hospital environment. However, the evidence about preventive strategies […]
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Dry Needling in Subacromial Syndrome
This study evaluated the effectiveness of dry needling combined with conventional physiotherapy in the recovery of patients with subacromial syndrome. […]
Exercise and Manual therapy for the treatment of primary headache
The main aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of exercise and manual therapy interventions in patients with […]
Preoperative high-intensity strength training improves postural control after TKA: randomized-controlled trial
This study investigates the effectiveness of preoperative high-intensity strength training (with a special emphasis on lower limb muscle strength and […]
Professional experience, work setting, work posture and workload influence the risk for musculoskeletal pain among physical therapists: a cross-sectional study
Physical therapists (PTs) have a high risk of developing musculoskeletal pain (MP) due to the physically demanding nature of their […]
Dose-response association between multi-site musculoskeletal pain and work ability in physical therapists: a cross-sectional study
Multi-site musculoskeletal pain (MP) is common among health care professionals and is considered a threat to work ability and thereby […]
Effect of a brief progressive resistance training program in hospital porters on pain, work ability, and physical function
Hospital porters are possibly exposed to the greatest mechanical loads within the hospital environment. However, the evidence about preventive strategies […]
Importance of Frequency and Intensity of Strength Training for Reduced Musculoskeletal Pain in the Back, Neck-Shoulder, and Arm-Hand Among Physical Therapists
Musculoskeletal pain (MP) is common among health care professionals, including physical therapists (PTs). The physically demanding nature of their work […]
Load progression criteria in exercise programmes in lower limb tendinopathy: a systematic review
The objective of this study is to summarise and analyse the current literature about what progression criteria are applied in […]
Feasibility, safety and muscle activity during flywheel vs traditional strength training in adult patients with severe haemophilia
Eccentric training has been associated with several specific physiological adaptations. The flywheel machine is one of the easiest ways of […]
EMG, Rate of Perceived Exertion, Pain, Tolerability and Possible Adverse Effects of a Knee Extensor Exercise with Progressive Elastic Resistance in Patients with Severe Haemophilia
In people with haemophilia (PWH), elastic band training is considered an optimal option, even though the literature is scarce. The […]
Safety and Effectiveness of Progressive Moderate-to-Vigorous Intensity Elastic Resistance Training on Physical Function and Pain in People With Hemophilia
Strength training is recommended for people with hemophilia; however, published data are anecdotal and have methodological limitations. The purpose of […]
Effectiveness of a Group-Based Progressive Strength Training in Primary Care to Improve the Recurrence of Low Back Pain Exacerbations and Function: A Randomised Trial
Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of disability and one of the most common reasons for physician visits in primary care, with a 33% rate of recurrence during the first year. However, the most optimal exercise program in this context remains unknown. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of a group-based progressive strength training program in non-specific chronic LBP (CLBP) patients in primary care on pain recurrence and physical function.......
Tolerability and Muscle Activity of Core Muscle Exercises in Chronic Low-back Pain
Most of the studies evaluating core muscle activity during exercises have been conducted with healthy participants. The objective of this study was to compare core muscle activity and tolerability of a variety of dynamic and isometric exercises in patients with non-specific low back pain (NSLBP)....
High-intensity preoperative training improves physical and functional recovery in the early post-operative periods after total knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial
The benefits of preoperative training programmes compared with alternative treatment are unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a high-intensity preoperative resistance training programme in patients waiting for total knee arthroplasty (TKA)....

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EXINH diseña formación específica y a demanda con el objetivo de ofrecer los conocimientos más actuales.
Isaac Newton